Thursday, September 4, 2008

Not issues, but composite view?

Laura Bush and Cindy McCain must read the Washington Post. In a recent interview, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis asserted that, "This election is not about issues. This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates." Heeding to his advice, the Bush-McCain ladies wore outfits totaling an estimated $313,000, according to a Vanity Fair article this week. 
I'm curious; I thought this campaign was about the issues. I thought McCain and the GOP establishment wanted 'substance' behind the 'empty rhetoric of change and hope.' I thought that this campaign shouldn't be about speeches and oratory skills, but rather substance and proven records. Well, at any rate, the women of the GOP made sure that they looked their best at the convention this week, taking Davis' advice; proving again that the McCain and Bush families are out of touch with the American public. 
Did I mention that $300,000 of the $313,000 was Cindy McCain's outfit alone? It comes as no surprise that Sen. McCain couldn't answer the question of how many homes he owns; according to the Census Bureau, Cindy's outfit alone could purchase a house at the national average in 2006!
Since when did the Grand OLD Party decide that they were the ones in touch with Americans and that Sen. Obama and the Democrats are 'elitists' - as Mitt Romney likes to put it. I guess they decided that before Cindy bought a $300,000 outfit; because I can guarantee you one thing, no middle class family - that does care about the issues, does listen to the speeches, does feel the effects of this real economic down-turn (as opposed to the 'mental' one that McCain's economic advisers suggest we are in), hurt when gas prices rise (and McCain's campaign war chest grows as a result) and that DO KNOW how many homes they own - is going to be able to buy a $300,000 outfit.
Well, after all, this election 'isn't about issues,' rather the 'composite view' of the candidates/ I would assume this same standard applies to the wives, so my apologies to the Bush-McCain families, they were just making sure that the convention viewers from Middle America took away a good view of their ladies, or should I say their Oscar de la Renta dresses and three carat diamond earrings. 
Who, exactly, is in touch with you?


Lostinparis said...

its pretty comical how mccain ads depict obama as a celebrity who thinks hes better than the common man, while his own wife wears clothes that cost more than the average house. at least they dont eat arugula and drink green tea, cause then they'd be elitists (oh no!), and heaven forbid someone who went to the top schools in america and knows more than the common man become our leader.

Lostinparis said...

o yeah and nice post jackson, im impressed, this is beeson by the way

JSprayberry said...

Beeson, my man. So glad you joined and actually commented! We are gonna keep these things coming so try and invite your friends that actually take the time to read these. Hopefully they will remain mostly factual, ha ha.

But as far as your post, you are so right. Yea, because none of my friends drink green tea, they can't afford it. ha ha. And, we all know that a war vetern has more experience than an educated man. Where have you been? Bush had so much more military experience than Kerry, that fool didn't even deserve his medals. I hope you caught the sarcasm.