Tuesday, September 30, 2008

See the Place that Gives Ms. Palin Foreign Policy Experience (and why it's not funny)

During Ms. Palin's recent interview with Katie Couric she reiterated the fact that being close to Russia and Canada gave her credible foreign policy experience. Now when she said this before, I honestly thought she had simply been caught off guard and slipped up. But she was serious. And then added Canada to the list. So now I guess the governor of North Dakota is an expert now too, oy vey.

So I figured hmmm, lets see where you can see Russia from Alaska, and I found it. It's a place called Little Diomede Island, population 150. Big Diomede Island, which is technically part of Russia, is 2.4 miles away. The primary industry on the island is carving ivory from seals and walrus tusks. There is no bank, no restaurant, and one store for supplies. The island has running water for only part of the year, then must melt snow. The first time in Alaska's 50 year history a state representative actually visited the island was in 2000 (Ms. Palin's never been). Mail is delivered to the island once a week and CNN reports that many folks on the island don't even know who the state governor even is (did I mention they don't have a television?). Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS PLACE
gives Sarah Palin foreign policy credentials.

This seems pretty funny at first, SNL thought so . I did too at first, but one thought keeps repeating in my head and it scares the daylights out of me. Only days after Franklin D. Roosevelt died, Harry Truman found out that the United States had atomic capabilities. Within 3 months, he pressed the red button. FOLKS THAT SHOULD SCARE YOU! The position of vice-president is no joke, especially when you're running with a 72 year old man who has had cancer 4 times and was tortured. I disagree with John McCain's politics, but I respect his ability to lead. This lady scares me though. SERIOUSLY, A TOWN OF 146 PEOPLE THAT YOU'VE NEVER VISITED GIVES YOU EXPERIENCE TO BE THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD?!?

I haven't even mentioned this lady's grasp(ish) of the economy, I think ya'll get my point. Folks, I don't support John McCain in this campaign, but I can't say that he is not qualified to be president. Sarah Palin, however, is NOT fit, NOT capable, and NOT knowledgeable enough to be the commander in chief at a moment's notice, and that's not a joke.

1 comment:

Bonnie Brooke Koger said...

Excellent post!!! Keep up the good work, fellas!!!