Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain wins debate before even deciding to attend?

Should we have expected anything else? It is now proven that John McCain doesn't use his once "maverick" approach to win votes, but instead is just more of the same. Taking time off from the campaign to fly to Washington to "fix" the economic crisis we are in, Senator McCain's staff was busy preparing an ad declaring him the victor of the debate he said he wouldn't attend until the crisis was over. Last time I checked, the crisis is still in full force, John McCain is now re-attending the debate and has released an ad before he even publicly announced he would be attending the debate "he won." 
How is this man fit for president? It was bad enough that he tried to fool the American public into thinking he was trying to fix the economic crisis by traveling to Washington (having not been in on the Hill to vote since April 10th), knowing the whole time he was the one who, as the Senate Commerce Committee chairman, pushed for deregulation of the industry; which most attribute to the crisis' start. Now he has lied again by saying his campaign was suspended, but in reality there have been numerous accounts of his ground campaign from state to state continuing from fundraising, to door-to-door, to phone calls, to sign placements (this was affirmed by one of my professors, Beth Harwell, who serves as the State co-chair for McCain and is the former TNGOP Chairwoman). Not only are the state levels active, his national campaign was active as well - making this ad declaring him the victor of a debate he wasn't even planning to attend; OR was he planning to attend and used the faux suspension as a political ploy? I am going with the latter and going to repeat it again, "John McCain is just more of the same."

(This was typed hastily in class, but had to get the news out there.)

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