Thursday, September 11, 2008

Taxes: We all hate them.... (even Democrats)

So we're hearing the old mantras from both sides again. Democrats are saying, "Those darn Republicans, giving tax breaks to the wealthy and not the working class." (Cue John Edwards and a story about veterans sleeping on grates) Then the good ol' Repubs are giving the "Democrats will raise your taxes, heck they'll tax oxygen!" speech again. This video, with numbers from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center will shed a little light in the muck. This video however will show you the future Heisman trophy winner flying... literally.

By the way, it's 9/11. If you haven't thanked God for the blessing it is to be alive or thanked a veteran for giving you the freedoms you enjoy, do it. God bless you guys and God bless America. And Go Dawgs!


Lostinparis said...

so unlike 99% of people in America, im actually a fan of taxes, if they're used correctly (as in not on a $500 billion war). If you're pretty well off, lets say $150,000 just to make it easy, you should (and have a duty to) pay taxes. Think of it this way, we have a whole class of full time workers (janitors, cooks, laborers, whatever) that are completely necessary for the functioning of our economic system (think about our lives without them), and yet they barely get paid enough to comfortably live. At the same time, we have an upper-middle and upper class that has a huge excess amount of money (do we really need huge houses, 3 cars, and 72 inch plasmas). Doesn't it seem fair, because all classes of workers work pretty much just as hard, to have the rich people pay more taxes to help those that don't make as much (through govt. health insurance, tax returns, you get my drift im not an expert in economics). Anyways, thats just my thoughts on the way our society works, feel free to comment and rant about my socialist ramblings.

theFiYaman said...

Whew, I think you're the first person I've ever met who enjoys writing a check. Make no mistake, I'm all for making sure folks are taken care of in America, but *gulp* April 14 won't ever be my Christmas.

I think I get what you're saying though, supporting a tiered tax system. Heck, God endorsed a tiered tax system in the way that Jews offered sacrifices to them based on if they could afford the designated item or not. (hence why Ruth and Naomi went to gather the grain at the edge of the field. Gosh I love Bible Bowl...) I do know this though, there have always been rich folks, and poor folks, and folks in the middle. And that's ok. Our job is to make sure the poor folks A) are taken care of B) aren't trapped in that class and C) aren't looked down on.

On my Christian soapbox I'll say this: God addresses poverty over 2000 TIMES in scripture. That's big. The conservative (Fair Tax) argument to this is, "Let me be the one to decide what I give. TRUST ME, I'll give more, I PROMISE. Don't let government say what I give to." I say BULL. Trickle down economics is a joke. How've those Bush tax cuts for the rich trickled down to working folks? Answer: Apparently not too well.

So I guess my stance: taxes: they suck, we've got to keep 'em low, especially for the middle class. BUT... I refuse to spend the next generation's Social Security because George McCain, I mean John Bush, er... whatever, wants to fight a TRILLION dollar war.

TCH said...
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