Tuesday, September 30, 2008

See the Place that Gives Ms. Palin Foreign Policy Experience (and why it's not funny)

During Ms. Palin's recent interview with Katie Couric she reiterated the fact that being close to Russia and Canada gave her credible foreign policy experience. Now when she said this before, I honestly thought she had simply been caught off guard and slipped up. But she was serious. And then added Canada to the list. So now I guess the governor of North Dakota is an expert now too, oy vey.

So I figured hmmm, lets see where you can see Russia from Alaska, and I found it. It's a place called Little Diomede Island, population 150. Big Diomede Island, which is technically part of Russia, is 2.4 miles away. The primary industry on the island is carving ivory from seals and walrus tusks. There is no bank, no restaurant, and one store for supplies. The island has running water for only part of the year, then must melt snow. The first time in Alaska's 50 year history a state representative actually visited the island was in 2000 (Ms. Palin's never been). Mail is delivered to the island once a week and CNN reports that many folks on the island don't even know who the state governor even is (did I mention they don't have a television?). Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, THIS PLACE
gives Sarah Palin foreign policy credentials.

This seems pretty funny at first, SNL thought so . I did too at first, but one thought keeps repeating in my head and it scares the daylights out of me. Only days after Franklin D. Roosevelt died, Harry Truman found out that the United States had atomic capabilities. Within 3 months, he pressed the red button. FOLKS THAT SHOULD SCARE YOU! The position of vice-president is no joke, especially when you're running with a 72 year old man who has had cancer 4 times and was tortured. I disagree with John McCain's politics, but I respect his ability to lead. This lady scares me though. SERIOUSLY, A TOWN OF 146 PEOPLE THAT YOU'VE NEVER VISITED GIVES YOU EXPERIENCE TO BE THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD?!?

I haven't even mentioned this lady's grasp(ish) of the economy, I think ya'll get my point. Folks, I don't support John McCain in this campaign, but I can't say that he is not qualified to be president. Sarah Palin, however, is NOT fit, NOT capable, and NOT knowledgeable enough to be the commander in chief at a moment's notice, and that's not a joke.

Friday, September 26, 2008

McCain wins debate before even deciding to attend?

Should we have expected anything else? It is now proven that John McCain doesn't use his once "maverick" approach to win votes, but instead is just more of the same. Taking time off from the campaign to fly to Washington to "fix" the economic crisis we are in, Senator McCain's staff was busy preparing an ad declaring him the victor of the debate he said he wouldn't attend until the crisis was over. Last time I checked, the crisis is still in full force, John McCain is now re-attending the debate and has released an ad before he even publicly announced he would be attending the debate "he won." 
How is this man fit for president? It was bad enough that he tried to fool the American public into thinking he was trying to fix the economic crisis by traveling to Washington (having not been in on the Hill to vote since April 10th), knowing the whole time he was the one who, as the Senate Commerce Committee chairman, pushed for deregulation of the industry; which most attribute to the crisis' start. Now he has lied again by saying his campaign was suspended, but in reality there have been numerous accounts of his ground campaign from state to state continuing from fundraising, to door-to-door, to phone calls, to sign placements (this was affirmed by one of my professors, Beth Harwell, who serves as the State co-chair for McCain and is the former TNGOP Chairwoman). Not only are the state levels active, his national campaign was active as well - making this ad declaring him the victor of a debate he wasn't even planning to attend; OR was he planning to attend and used the faux suspension as a political ploy? I am going with the latter and going to repeat it again, "John McCain is just more of the same."

(This was typed hastily in class, but had to get the news out there.)

Monday, September 22, 2008

The John McCain I Love(d)

They say admission is the first step toward healing, so here it goes: I am a recovering McCainiac. It's true, I used to love John McCain. The_Idealist and I both worked a fundraiser for Senator McCain last year and neither of us had shame about being the only folks in attendance to ask for an autograph. When getting our picture made, we told the Senator and his aide how we were willing to do anything we could to help if he decided to run for president again. I thought that man was great, a hero for common sense politics. But alas, my hero has gone M.I.A. So here's my plea and call for Johnny Mac to return...

I miss the John McCain who stood up for common sense immigration reform which doesn't make immigrants out to be vicious psychopaths hell bent on destroying America. This John McCain reached across party lines, a real maverick, who was willing to work with the likes of Ted Kennedy to get this bi-partisan bill up and have a fighting chance before extremists from both sides shut it down. NOW John McCain sides with those extremists who killed his own bill, and has even said publicly that if his own bill came up for a vote then he'd vote nay. And they said John KERRY was a flip-flop...

I miss the John McCain who wanted what was best for his country. Even when folks didn't agree with him, they knew John McCain wanted what was best for America deep down. He aligned himself with folks with the experience, work ethic, and willingness to leave America a better place, even if that meant working with like-minded Democrats . NOW John McCain has sold America out with his pick of Sarah Palin, a lady no one can argue has considerably less experience and record than any one else he could have chosen. By choosing this lady, John McCain sold America out to the right wing of his party to try to win an election, but not to lead a country. He sold America out by going against his morals of choosing a strong leader of foreign policy like Tom Ridge or Joe Lieberman. Instead he chose a lady whose chief foreign policy credential is being able to see the outermost reaches of Russia from the outer most reaches of her state. As a Senator in the student government at the University of Georgia, I HAD MORE CONSTITUENTS THEN MS. PALIN DID 3 YEARS AGO! Ms. Palin only got her passport a year ago for crying out loud! How was she more qualified than anyone else in America to be a heart-beat away from the presidency?

I miss the John McCain who was too honorable to stoop in to gutter politics, using race and religion as a bludgeon. When Karl Rove and George W. Bush stoked rumors during the 2000 presidential race that McCain's adopted daughter (of Bangladesh descent) was actually an illegitimate child, Senator McCain did not respond with a cheap shot back. He was more willing to lose an election than sacrifice the honor he forged. NOW John McCain has hired Steve Schmidt, one of the same people on George W. Bush's crew who started that rumor 8 years ago about his daughter to be his day-to-day campaign manager. Senator McCain has rolled out ad after ad containing lie after lie during this election, so much so that even Saturday Night Live took note. Some other highlights include the Associated Press, CNN, and Politico running fact checks on him, decrying the honesty of his ads. CBS News, Fox News, and Fact Check.Com have all demanded that misleading ads containing their names be taken down. The Wall Street Journal, one of the most conservative editorial boards in America, called John McCain's comments "unpresidential." Even Karl Rove, the evil genius said that McCain's ads "didn't pass the 100 percent truth test." MOST DISGUSTING OF ALL THOUGH, is the ad in which Senator McCain accused Barack Obama of being a disgusting pervert wanting to teach Kindergarteners how to have sex. Senator Obama's bill was designed to teach young children about inappropriate touching and he knows it. This ad is disgusting and insulting to Barack Obama as the father of two young girls and is the same filthy tactics George Bush used against him. Frankly, John McCain should be ashamed of himself, I know I am.

I miss the John McCain who united the parties, not divided. The John McCain who put America first, not second to political ambitions. The John McCain whose principled leadership made up for the policy differences I had with him. The John McCain who, whether one agreed with him or not, took an open and honest stand for all to see. The John McCain who had the guts to vote against the George W. Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans TWICE, now wants to make them permanent because he's a line tower. The John McCain who bucked Republicans and Democrats for campaign finance reform, before voting in lockstep with George W. Bush 90 percent of the time.

THIS was the John McCain I loved, my hero, and I don't know where he's gone.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Taxes: We all hate them.... (even Democrats)

So we're hearing the old mantras from both sides again. Democrats are saying, "Those darn Republicans, giving tax breaks to the wealthy and not the working class." (Cue John Edwards and a story about veterans sleeping on grates) Then the good ol' Repubs are giving the "Democrats will raise your taxes, heck they'll tax oxygen!" speech again. This video, with numbers from the non-partisan Tax Policy Center will shed a little light in the muck. This video however will show you the future Heisman trophy winner flying... literally.

By the way, it's 9/11. If you haven't thanked God for the blessing it is to be alive or thanked a veteran for giving you the freedoms you enjoy, do it. God bless you guys and God bless America. And Go Dawgs!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Would Sarah Palin be an advocate for disabled kids?

So one of the few things we actually know about this lady who want to be vice-president is that she has a baby, Trig, who has Down's Syndrome. This issue is near to my heart because of a close friend I had growing up named Mark who had Down's whose love for life and people changed my life. Ms. Palin has not been shy about toting Trig around on stage and has used his birth to rally the anti-choice (as both parties now have in their constitution to reduce the number of abortions in America) crowd to her side since she did not have an abortion. Ms. Palin, who went back to work in the governor's office a shocking THREE DAYS after having Trig, remarked in her address during the Republican Convention that parents who have children with special needs would have a 'friend in the White House.' Let's take a closer look at the actual facts to see what kind of a 'friend' Ms. Palin was to children in need in Alaska.

To be fair to all sides, I'm going to clarify some rumors from the left. Rumors have been floating around that Ms. Palin cut funding to Special Education in Alaska by 64%. These cuts were a shift in accounting practices by the "Alaska Challenge Youth Program," a military program for high school dropouts (it kind of baffles me though that this type of program is coupled with developmental disorders for babies like Trig though). Anyw
ay, this link will give you more info into that stuff. What I'd like us to notice is what kind of advocate Ms. Palin was for CHILDREN with Autism Spectrum Disorders, because a program for high school dropouts, while great and everything, just doesn't cut it for me.

A non-profit organization called The Commonwealth Fund, which studies health policy, recently conducted a state-by-state study of child healthcare systems. One would expect that the 'advocate for children' would have made her state rank near the top. However, Alaska ranked
42nd in measures of health care access, quality, costs, equity and health outcomes in children. Included in the study were several indicators that related directly to children with special health care needs. Of children aged 1-17 with an identified emotional, behavioral, or developmental problem, only 52% had received mental health care the last year (rank: 47). For children with special health care needs needing referrals to specialty care, only 23% got them (rank: 32). And while it doesn't apply specifically to children with special needs (but certainly affects their quality of care), only 38% of Alaskan children have a medical home (rank: 47). (These rankings were found first at THESOCCERMOMVOTE.COM. So let me ask the obvious, What in the world kind of advocate is that??? I think I would rather hire Phil Fulmer to be my advocate for why the Georgia Bulldogs are awesome or an apple farmer to tell me why pears are so delicious. So Ms. Palin.... YOU GOT SOME 'SPLAININ TO DOOOOOO!!!!!

On the contrary Sen. Obama has a stellar record as a champion of children with developmental disorders. As a state senator AND as a U.S. senator, Barack Obama championed bills that increased health coverage and health screenings for children with autism spectrum disorders. As President, he'll end the war on science that has been waged by George Bush and John McCain and free the greatest minds in the world to research how we can stop these genetic disorders in their tracks. If you want to see more of his positions and ideas, I highly suggest you check out this link, because I could go on about this for a while.

Folks, the fact of the matter is that while I praise Ms. Palin for keeping her child, it saddens me that as Governor of Alaska, she found time hire a lobbyist to go to Washington to secure an earmark to build a new hockey rink with heated seats so she could watch her kids play in Wasilla, but could not find time to improve the lives of children with special needs in Alaska. That's not the change we need, and that's no maverick, that's just more of the same.

Friday, September 5, 2008


As much as I hate to say it, THIS CLIP is one of the only 'fair and balanced' ones you'll get.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Not issues, but composite view?

Laura Bush and Cindy McCain must read the Washington Post. In a recent interview, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis asserted that, "This election is not about issues. This election is about a composite view of what people take away from these candidates." Heeding to his advice, the Bush-McCain ladies wore outfits totaling an estimated $313,000, according to a Vanity Fair article this week. 
I'm curious; I thought this campaign was about the issues. I thought McCain and the GOP establishment wanted 'substance' behind the 'empty rhetoric of change and hope.' I thought that this campaign shouldn't be about speeches and oratory skills, but rather substance and proven records. Well, at any rate, the women of the GOP made sure that they looked their best at the convention this week, taking Davis' advice; proving again that the McCain and Bush families are out of touch with the American public. 
Did I mention that $300,000 of the $313,000 was Cindy McCain's outfit alone? It comes as no surprise that Sen. McCain couldn't answer the question of how many homes he owns; according to the Census Bureau, Cindy's outfit alone could purchase a house at the national average in 2006!
Since when did the Grand OLD Party decide that they were the ones in touch with Americans and that Sen. Obama and the Democrats are 'elitists' - as Mitt Romney likes to put it. I guess they decided that before Cindy bought a $300,000 outfit; because I can guarantee you one thing, no middle class family - that does care about the issues, does listen to the speeches, does feel the effects of this real economic down-turn (as opposed to the 'mental' one that McCain's economic advisers suggest we are in), hurt when gas prices rise (and McCain's campaign war chest grows as a result) and that DO KNOW how many homes they own - is going to be able to buy a $300,000 outfit.
Well, after all, this election 'isn't about issues,' rather the 'composite view' of the candidates/ I would assume this same standard applies to the wives, so my apologies to the Bush-McCain families, they were just making sure that the convention viewers from Middle America took away a good view of their ladies, or should I say their Oscar de la Renta dresses and three carat diamond earrings. 
Who, exactly, is in touch with you?

A little humor to add to below post


Sorry I don't know how to embed it directly yet. Cut and paste. It is worth it

Sarah Palin: Unfair Press or Actual Vetting Process

First of all, welcome to POLITIFIRE. Hopefully you'll enjoy the perspective and will help you come to practical, free-thinking perspectives on the world we live in. We'll delve into some tough issues about the future of our country and how we can affect it at a grass roots level.
Alright, on to the first post. The past half week has been dominated by the newest 'celebrity' (yes, pun intended) in this campaign, Sarah Palin. Governor Palin, who built a reputation as a reformer in her year and a half as the Governor in America's final frontier. Among the headlines the McCain camp attempted to push were that she was a whistleblower in her own party when she saw ethics violations as well pushed through a natural gas pipeline that has been holed up for many years Gov. Palin was introduced last Friday as a surprise pick to everyone, including many Republican insiders. Republican pundints are mixed, from Rush Limbaugh calling her a "home f***ing run" to Wall Street Journal commentator Peggy Noonan who called the pick "BullS**t." Certainly her pick has sent shockwaves down both sides of the isle: making James Dobson and his Neo-Conservative followers happy an anti-choice candidate was chosen, ACTUALLY making Glen Beck excited about this race, and causing silent giggles from Democrats who are giddy that John McCain has just tossed the experience card out of the 'Straight Talk Express.'
After the initial shock of pick and folks realized "Oh my gosh, he wasn't kidding," Americans were left this Labor Day weekend to find out who this kinda hot old gal was who wanted to be one 72 year old heartbeat away from being the leader of the free world. As we found out more about her, it became painfully obvious that John McCain's vetting process is about as stringent as public intoxication laws on Bourbon Street. Among other things, which we'll discuss in later posts, the media (whoever "they" are) had to do the job the McCain campaign didn't allow us to do earlier by not floating her name. So one of the first things we find out is that Gov. Palin is a mother of five and that the baby of the family has Down's Syndrome. Immediately John Roberts from CNN was lambasted by his own colleague Dana Bash, the McCain correspondent, with the charge that by inquiring about the amount of time it would take to take care of this young child and its affect of the vice-presidency, he was a sexist because he might not have asked the same question to a man. Later in the long weekend we find out that Gov. Palin's second oldest child, 17 year old Bristol, is pregnant.
Ok now for the meat of all of this. Is this relevant? Should Gov. Palin be dropped? Should UGA still be ranked #1? Sorry, I get carried away, but yes the dawgs still rule. Of course this stuff is relevant. Look, the extent of our knowledge of this lady was that she's a woman and that she's hot. We deserve to get to know her family. Didn't America think it was relevant to find out about Barack Obama's pastor? Or what about whether he was a Muslim? Or what about whether his wife loves America? Or what about if he went to a Muslim school or not? The media was not being racist were they? No, they were doing their job. This is not to say that political points should be scored by campaigns over a 17 year old. (Although I do find the irony that it is ok to question the honorable military service of John Kerry but when the tables are turned...) The Obama campaign has been careful to distance itself from this rhetoric. What is relevant about Bristol Palin is that her mom OPPOSES the same sex education in public schools that could have saved her and her boyfriend an unwanted pregnancy.(His words: I'm a F***ing redneck, I don't want no kids) Let's not forget, it was SARAH PALIN who thrust her daughter into the media spotlight, not the liberals at the Huffington Post. It was SARAH PALIN who made this young girl, like it or not, co-poster child for teen pregnancy with Britney Spears little sister. What should the media have done, ignored the story? Or better yet, take the National Right to Life's talking points and praise her for her "choice" (ironic they use the word choice when Gov. Palin wants to take that choice away) to keep the baby. No, the media is simply an easy target because 'media' is a general term and because they're an easy target since they won't defend themselves at the risk of sounding partisan. I'll talk more about Gov. Palin's capabilities in other posts, this is just to get us started. Disclaimer: PLEASE DISAGREE WITH ME!! THIS DESERVES DISCUSSION!