Saturday, November 1, 2008

Which party is the Anti-God Party?

WARNING: This post has foul language - not my own, but copied and pasted from some friends' Facebooks. I left all words in their entirety to make my point. Please do not read if you will be offended by the words said below and do not comment on my posting of the words to this blog.

After being called a " traitor cock-sucking cunt whore" I felt compelled to author this post. I am just going to take some quotes from my (presumably) racist friends' Facebooks. They are as follows (most are status updates): "will not be voting for that islamic socialist terrorist known as Barack Hussien Obama, NOBAMA '08" "oh yeah, FUCK OBAMA" which was commented with an "Amen brotha" "A vote for Obama is a vote for Socialism...F**K Obama '08!" "is proud to be an American unlike that cocksuker Obama and his sluttin' whore wife!" "says TEAM OBAMA CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES MCCAIN/PALIN '08" "Jim Martin, What a Douche" "you have disappointed me by supporting Obama, Jackson" "Obama is the Anti-Christ" "Barack Obama eats babies" "He kills babies" "He isn't a United States Citizen" "is a sick individual" ... 

But after all of this, most of which was said by one person, they then had the nerve to say this, "is watching the Anti-God convention in Denver" HA! The Anti-God Convention? It seems to me - after reading the above comments that these people have posted - that they should probably vote for that same party because NONE of those comments are 'Pro-God" are they? First of all, the freedom of religion means the freedom FROM religion, therefor it is ridiculous to legislate morality because we can't force people to be Christians just because they are Americans. Secondly, we talk about"that Islamic terrorist" "putting the Ten Commandments in public buildings" "killing babies" and "sick ass raping homo sex", but why not a push for the ban of foul language? Why not make a ban on all sin? After all, all sin is equal, none is greater than any other. Oh wait, we can't do that, because that might actually affect some of these people making the above claims. That might call into question THEIR character, THEIR judgement or THEIR lifestyle. They want to continue to condemn OTHERS, call OTHERS' character into question, call OTHERS' lives into question without considering THEMselves when they say things like quoted above? 

Give me a break. Jesus' teaching was about love; He said the greatest command was love. He said not to judge unless you wanted to be judge. He said that God is the one to give vengeance, not us. Where has Jesus' teaching gone when concerning "God's party" [the Republican party]?Where are the morals? Where is the party that should embrace ALL of God's teachings and not just the ones that are convient to them? When it comes to divorce and re-marriage, greed, lust or profanity they seem to push God away and out of government, only lobbying for things that are emotionally appealing to voters like abortion and gay rights.  If they are to make an appeal to make moral legislation, then they should push for them in ALL aspects of government AND their lives - showing God's teachings and morals and not just talking about them. They shouldn't speak of people as "Islamic terrorists" when that is clearly not true; they should not call people "cocksucking cunt whores" which is obviously not true as well. How does that embody Jesus' teachings? 

Should they just pick and choose what they want government to control because it doesn't affect them: abortion, gay marriage, displaying the Ten Commandments, welfare; or should they also include things like profanity, lust, greed, etc. which affect us all but are too 'holier than thou' to admit?  

 SO ... which party is the "anti - God party?" It seems to me that they both have their flaws; you make the choice. I doubt either are.



James2012 said...

I completely agree that both have their flaws. I also agree that being a member of one party does not make you more of a christian than being a member of another. I have been thinking about this subject a lot this past week after i was told by my own youth minister that he didn't know how a christian could vote for a democrat. But isn't it the GOP that promotes tax breaks for the wealthiest people. Did Jesus not tell us to help the poor.Then everyone wants to say we shouldn't help those who don't want help. Jesus said help the poor. Not necessarily a hand out but a hand up. Not saying the democrats don't have their flaws too. Just noticing that "God's party" also has a couple,

James2012 said...

Why is voting for Obama apparently ignorant? This was the reply.

so your wondering why voting for obama is ignorant i can tell you a couple.first off hes a fuckin muslum second off his middle name is hussain and why vote one into presidency when we just killed one and hes for abortion and thinks aborting isnt wrong and wouldnt have a problem with it and then the terroist said they were going to take us out from within and look whos running for president??? dumb ass

Squarebush said...

Just passed an east Athens church that had the following on its sign:

"Vote for Christian Values"

I wonder how Christians who are, according to this church, "not voting for Christian values" feel about that sign.

Divisive much?!?